668 research outputs found

    A Model-Driven Approach for Business Process Management

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    The Business Process Management is a common mechanism recommended by a high number of standards for the management of companies and organizations. In software companies this practice is every day more accepted and companies have to assume it, if they want to be competitive. However, the effective definition of these processes and mainly their maintenance and execution are not always easy tasks. This paper presents an approach based on the Model-Driven paradigm for Business Process Management in software companies. This solution offers a suitable mechanism that was implemented successfully in different companies with a tool case named NDTQ-Framework.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2010-20057-C03-02Junta de Andalucía TIC-578

    Resilience and COVID-19. An Analysis in University Students during Confinement

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life for millions of people. The social-emotional consequences of the confinement need to be analysed urgently. This study examines self-perceived resilience and its most important determining factors in a sample of university students facing COVID confinement. The measuring instrument used is the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, divided into four factors and applied to a sample of 253 graduate and postgraduate students. Different methods of descriptive statistics and statistical hypothesis testing were used to calculate the results with the statistical program SPSS–22. The results showed generally high levels of resilience among the university students analysed, irrespective of socio-demographic variables. Factor analysis shows resilience to be highest among male students and those over 25. Self-perceived resilience was also higher among students who lived alone or with people other than their parents. Finally, students of the health sciences were more likely to adapt to change, deal with today’s challenges, and think of themselves as people capable of bouncing back after hardship.Educació

    Veracidad documental y deuda literaria en el Periplo de Hanón, 1-8

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    Tradicionalmente se admite que la primera parte del Periplo (pars. 1-8) refleja con mayor claridad la deuda con respecto al documento original púnico que sirve de base a la obra. Dicha hipótesis, sin embargo, admite varias objeciones (debate sobre el trayecto recorrido, desacuerdo en la identificación de los lugares, rastreo indudable de una amplia deuda literaria, etc.). Un estudio de la toponimia citada en el pasaje en cuestión parece arrojar luz en este sentidoIt is traditionally accepted that the first part of the Periplus (pars. 1-8) reflects quite clearly a strong debt to a Punic original document that is the basis for the whole work. This hypothesis, however, is subject to a series of objections (about the distance the fleet covers, about the identification of the sites and about the originality of the work, since it belongs to an evidently long literary tradition). A study of the place names cited in the passage should shed some light on this matte

    Greek geography studies today, 1: general considerations

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    El objetivo de esta contribución es ofrecer al lector no excesivamente versado en la geografía histórica griega una puesta al día de carácter general sobre los estudios relacionados con dicha materia que han aparecido en las tres últimas décadas. La información se divide en las seis secciones siguientes: manuales de geografía histórica, revistas especializadas, principales proyectos editoriales y de investigación, colecciones de monografías, otras herramientas de estudio y algunas publicaciones recientes de interés.The aim of this paper is to provide the reader who is not well versed in Greek historical geography with a general update on the studies about this subject, published in the last three decades. The information is organised into the following six sections: handbooks of historical geography, specialised journals, main publishing and research projects, collections of monographs, other study resources, and some recent publications of interest

    Valoración de la actividad física y deportiva desde una perspectiva de género

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    La actividad física y el deporte en la edad escolar es una de las principales preocupaciones de administraciones e investigadores en los últimos años, tratando de desarrollar programas que ayuden a mejorar la participación y evitar el sedentarismo en la infancia y adolescencia. En este sentido, la Junta de Extremadura viene desarrollando durante los últimos 30 años, un modelo implementado en el deporte escolar, que ha ido evolucionando y optimizando a lo largo de este periodo. Este modelo se denomina Juegos Deportivos Extremeños (JUDEX), y ha conseguido aumentar la participación de manera muy importante de chicos/as con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y 18. Sin embargo, a pesar de estos datos, existen algunas cuestiones que pueden ser mejoradas, para dotar de mayor calidad y fomentar la igualdad e inclusión a través de la práctica deportiva. Nos centraremos en la valoración de la actividad deportiva en edad escolar desde una perspectiva de género. Por ello, se realizó un estudio con una muestra comprendida por 898 alumnos/as todos ellos pertenecientes a los centros educativos de la comunidad extremeña. Los resultados muestran como existen diferencias en relación a la forma física, interés… entre chicos y chicas

    Adaptação no futebol do basics psychological needs scale em exercise

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    El objetivo era adaptar y validar la versión española de la Escala de Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas en el Ejercicio (Sánchez y Núñez, 2007) al contexto del fútbol. Para ello, participaron 430 futbolistas masculinos con edades entre los 11 y 18 años, de las categorías infantil (n = 185), cadete (n = 166) y juvenil (n = 79). Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio con índices de ajuste aceptables, en el que las tres necesidades psicológicas básicas (NPB) se asociaron con puntuaciones de entre .59 y .87. Asimismo, se realizó un análisis de consistencia interna (alfa de Cronbach) con resultados aceptables por encima de .70. Seguidamente, para comprobar la validez nomológica de la escala, se correlacionaron los factores con los del Cuestionario de Motivación en el Deporte (Pulido et al., 2015), destacándose relaciones positivas y significativas entre las tres NPB y las motivaciones más autodeterminadas (entre .17 y .26). En conclusión, se presenta una escala con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para analizar la satisfacción de las NPB de los jóvenes futbolistas.The aim of the study was to adaptive and validate of the Spanish version (Sánchez & Núñez, 2007) the Basic Psychological Needs Scale in Exercise (BPNES: Vlachopoulos & Michailidou, 2006) into football. Thus, 430 football male players ranging in age from 11 to 18 years old, from infantile (n = 185), cadet (n = 166) and juvenile (n = 79) categories participated in the study. A confirmatory factorial analysis with adequate adjusted indexes was conducted, in which the three basic psychological needs associated with scores of between .59 and .87. Moreover, an internal consistency analysis (Cronbach´s alpha) with acceptable results over .70 was developed. Following, with the aim to test the concurrent validity of the scale, factors of the Motivation in the Sport Questionnaire (Pulido et al., 2015) were correlated, emphasizing high and positive relationships between the three BPN and the most self-determined regulation (.17 and .26). Finally, a scale with adequate psychometric properties with the purpose to examine BPN satisfactions of football players was showed.Trabajo financiado por: Gobierno de Extremadura y Fondo Social Europeo (FSE). Ayuda para la Formación del Personal Investigador Predoctoral. PD12112peerReviewe

    Tool Support for the Quality Assessment of MDWE Methodologies

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    Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-67843-C06-03Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2010-20057-C03-0

    Pruebas de aceptación orientadas al usuario. Contexto ágil para un proyecto de gestión Documental

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    Las pruebas de aceptación representan aquella fase del ciclo de vida de desarrollo de software en el que el equipo de desarrollo y el área usuaria de un sistema de información tienen que garantizar que el sistema desarrollado se corresponde con los requerimientos definidos. En equipos multidisciplinares, como en el caso de los sistemas de gestión documental que involucra a documentalistas, archiveros, ingenieros informáticos, etc., es una fase que hay que planificar de manera adecuada y a la que hay que dotar con los mecanismos de gestión adecuados para garantizar su correcta ejecución. En este trabajo se propone la adaptación de un mecanismo ágil, basado en la metodología Scrum, que da una importancia alta a esta fase, de manera que se propone ir abordándola de manera incremental, no dejando la ejecución de dicha fase para el final del desarrollo, ofreciendo así mecanismos de detección precoz de inconsistencias funcionales. Esta propuesta ha sido desarrollada en el contexto del proyecto THOT (Proyecto de innovación de la gestión documental aplicada a expedientes de contratación de servicios y obras de infraestructuras de transporte), desarrollado por la Universidad de Sevilla para la Agencia de Obra Pública de la Junta de Andalucía. El artículo, muestra su aplicación en este contexto.Acceptance tests represent the phase of the software development life cycle in which the development team and the user area of an information system must ensure that the developed system fulfils the defined requirements. In multidisciplinary teams, like is the case of document management systems that involve filmmakers, archivists and computer engineers among others, this is a phase that must be properly planned and must provide the most suitable management mechanisms to ensure proper execution. This paper presents the adaptation of an agile mechanism based on the Scrum methodology, giving high importance to this phase. So, it is proposed to perform this phase incrementally, preventing this phase to be executed only at the end of development and providing mechanisms for early detection of functional inconsistencies. This approach has been developed within the context of THOT (Innovation project management applied to document records recruitment services and transport infrastructure projects), developed by the University of Seville for the Public Works Agency project of the Junta de Andalucía. This paper shows its application in this context

    Importance of differentiating Mycobaterium bovis in tuberculous meningitis

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    The aim of the article is to describe the principal findings among patients with M.tuberculosis and M. bovis CNS infection. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is one of the most common infectious agents that cause death and neurological sequelae around the world. Most of the complications of CNS TB can be attributed to a delay in the diagnosis. Unfortunately, there are no specific diagnostic tools to support an early diagnosis. Other prognostic factors different from delay in treatment have not been identified. Clinical, radiological and laboratory characteristics were analyzed retrospectively from the medical files of all the patients admitted with the diagnoses of tuberculosis. Of 215 patients admitted with systemic tuberculosis, 64 (30%) had a neurological infection. Positive cultures were found in 54 (84%) cases, 18 (33%) in the CSF and the rest in other fluids or tissues. Adenosin deaminase (ADA) enzyme determination was more sensitive than M. tuberculosis PCR in the CSF for supporting an early diagnosis. In addition to a later clinical stage and treatment lag, positive CSF cultures (P=0.001) and the presence of M. bovis (P=0.020) were prognostic factors for a worse outcome. Neither older age, the presence of tuberculomas versus meningeal enhancement, or HIV co-infection, was associated to a worse prognosis. The isolation of M. bovis subspecies was more common that previously reported, and it was associated to the development of parenchymal lesions (P=0.032) when compared to M. tuberculosis. In this study, positive CSF cultures for M. tuberculosis and further identifying M. bovis species were additional prognostic factors for worse outcome. Positive cultures in systemic fluids other than CSF, even when the patient had no obvious systemic manifestations, and ADA determination in the CSF were noteworthy diagnostic tools for the diagnosis